New Delhi: Clarifying his tweet about senior Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Kumar Vishwas, party leader Dilip K. Pandey on Wednesday requested to not misinterpret it, adding the former has always promoted a positive vibe in the party and that they will continue to expose corruption related issues in future.
“I want to make it clear that the people should not take out different meanings of this tweet. Kumar Vishwas is admired by everyone in the party and we respect him immensely. He has always promoted positivity within the party. The AAP works together to expose the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress and we will continue doing that,” Pandey told ANI.
He further said that he was tensed due to the rift in the party as following all the tweets and interviews, it was indicated that Vishwas was speaking against the BJP alone and not the Congress which was confusing for the party members.
“They were thinking why we are changing our political stand as we have always raised our voices against both of them and exposed them. So therefore, I made this simple question,” he asserted.
He added that he has full faith in Vishwas and there is no rift between the party members.
“People who think we are the last sunlight of positivity, what will they think after this? It should be loud and clear that the AAP will always raise its voice against corruption be it is of the BJP or the Congress,” Pandey said.
A fresh crisis in the AAP emerged after senior party leader Dilip Pandey questioned Kumar Vishwas on Twitter, saying that the latter poses questions to Congress, but refrains from doing the same against Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje. (ANI)