Washington D.C: After a woman filed a lawsuit against a diet soda company, the California court has declared that the beverage does not promise to help buyers in weight loss.
The woman had gulped down the drink for over a decade but did not lose inches as a result.
The three-judge panel declared during the hearing: “The prevalent understanding of the term in (the marketplace) is that the ‘diet’ version of a soft drink has fewer calories than its ‘regular’ counterpart.”
However, the members of the US 9th circuit court have felt that the consumers tend to make out something of their own that is unreasonable and eventually hamper the reputation of brands through a deceptive allegation, reports Fox News.
The response was due to a misleading case filed against Diet Dr Pepper by Shana Becerra from Santa Rosa, California. Shana claimed that she has been addictively purchasing the low-calorie beverage for the past 13 years hoping for losing some fat but failed to lose even a single inch.
The woman also stated that the attractive and fit models misled her into believing that drink will help her in perfecting her body like them.
However, the court’s decision was that advertisements are for representational purposes only. “Cannot be reasonably understood to convey any specific meaning at all,” as written by Judge Jay Bybee.
Shana had last week made such allegation against Diet coke as well where the court came to a similar verdict. She claimed that she had found various studies where it is evident that the artificial sweetener aspartame used in diet beverages actually boosts weight gain.
But the artificial sweetener is approved in by the concerned administrative department and thus is used in most American drinks.