Mumbai: Journalist-turned-director Mahesh Bhatt on Sunday said he did not face any problem while shooting with the 13 deaf children for his debut film “The Silent Heroes”.
Sharing his experiences of shooting with the deaf children in the Himalayas, Mahesh told IANS: “The best part is we did not face any problems with these kids. In fact, the problems were with the real artistes who call themselves professional actors, theatre actors with experience of so many years.
“We had a tough time with these actors but with the deaf kids, we did not have any problem,” he said.
“We used to get ‘One Take OK’ shots. After that, there used to be tears in everyone’s eyes on the set.”
Talking about his work experience with deaf people, Mahesh said: “I feel there is no problem in working with the deaf community as far as you have the passion and the emotions to work with them. One should have the art and capability to listen to silence.”
Recently, the film’s teaser was released and it showed a few deaf children making signs of nature like flower, sun, mountain and river, on a frosted glass window of their school and then they go on mountaineering on the Himalayas.
Produced by Kamal Birani and Mahesh Bhatt, presented by Hans Productions and Reality Films, “The Silent Heroes” is slated to release in September.