Develop expertise in contemporary sciences with proficiency in Islamic studies: Maulana Fazl-ur-Rahim

Jaipur: “With the advent of modern science and technology, there has been a revolution in the world wherein changes are taking place at a very fast pace. There is no corner of life that is not affected by science and technology with the invention of Internet along with other technological sciences which have forced individuals and nations to bring about change within them, with the change of the time.

“While changing oneself is no longer optional but has become a necessity today I am reminded of the historic saying of Hazrat Maulana Shah Muhammad Abdul Rahim Sahib Naqshbandi Mujaddadi, the founder of Jamea-tul-Hidayah in Jaipur, that today the change in the curriculum of madaris and the inclusion of modern sciences is optional but tomorrow such a time will come that then it would be mandatory rather than optional”.

“Hazrat Abdul Rahim Mujaddadi felt this far-reaching vision 40 years ago, but it is a pity that the madaris did not pay attention to his voice then. However, today the management committees of all the madaris are feeling the need to change their curriculum forced by the requirements of the present day times. As such they have taken steps towards the inclusion of modern sciences in their curriculum”.

These above thoughts were expressed by Maulana Muhammad Fazl-ur-Rahim Mujaddidi, the present rector and son of the founder Jamea-tul-Hidayah, while addressing Azmat-e-Qur’an Conference which was held on 12th January 2023 at Shaghafta Ehsan Hall here. He addressed Ulema, intellectual Muslims from all over the country, and Imams of mosques and principals of the city of Jaipur.

Maulana Fazl-ur-Rahim Mujaddidi said Jamea-tul-Hidayah Jaipur in its curriculum has included Qur’an and Hadith, Islamic jurisprudence, Seerat-un-Nabi, History, Arabic language and literature as well as keeping in view the requirements of the modern times contemporary sciences such as geography, mathematics, English, Hindi language etc.

Continuing Maulana Mujaddidi said that for students to be self-sufficient in their livelihood, technical education has also been made part of the curriculum. While keeping in view the demands of the modern times, Jamea has started many new courses. One of them is a one-year online English speaking course for graduates of Madaris, wherein not only Indian but also students from abroad are benefiting from this.

He informed that in the near future an online course of Hindi language will also be started for Madaris graduates. For this Jamea-tul-Hidaya, in collaboration with Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), has decided to start a course of Hindi language & literature and the Indian society. Thereby, the Madaris graduates will get employment opportunities and they will also be able in create inter-religious harmony and clear doubts and misunderstandings amongst communities. The national language of India is Hindi, so learning Hindi and getting acquainted with India’s religious communities is a social necessity and a religious responsibility of Ulema.

Maulana Mujaddadi drawing attention of Muslims towards modern education advised them to establish institutions of professional courses including medical education. He said that the Qur’an has been revealed for humanity till the Day of Judgment. It is our responsibility to convey its message to all mankind. Today doubts, suspicions and misunderstandings against Islam and Muslims are being spread through various sources and means. “We should come forward to clear the air through our character, moral values and might of the pen. Islam does not create hurdles and stops us from acquiring modern knowledge. Moreover, our forefathers were leading the world in these scientific inventions”, he revealed.

He pointed out that during the dark ages of medieval Europe; incredible scientific advances were made in the Muslim world. “Our Genius ancestors in Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus and Cordoba took on the scholarly works of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, Greece, India and China, developing what we would call “modern” science. Muslim mathematicians such as Al-Khwarizmi, Avicenna and Jamshīd al-Kāshī made advances in Algebra, Trigonometry, geometry and Arabic numerals as well as major advances in medicine, astronomy, engineering and agriculture. Arabic texts replaced Greek as the fonts of wisdom, helping to shape the scientific revolution of the Renaissance”, he disclosed.

‘Aalami Muzahira-e-Qirat’

Meanwhile, Maulana Mujaddadi announced on the occasion that Jamea-tul-Hidaya will be organising an “Aalami Muzahira-e-Qirat” (Global Demonstration of Qur’an Recitation) in Jaipur on 28th January, 2023. After Maghrib prayer, the international gathering of Qaris of repute will assemble to demonstrate their art. In this programme renowned Qari Shaikh Abdul Nasir Harak of Egypt along with well-known Qaris of the country will be participating.

While inviting Muslims from all over Rajasthan to participate in the grand event he said: “Qur’an the word of Allah, is the ultimate source of guidance for mankind, the creator of the universe, which is no less than a blessing in terms of its sound and beauty.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had said: “Embellish the Qur’an with your voices”. This is a very beautiful, inspiring and eloquent phrase that came out of the pure language of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Musa Ash’ari that one day the Holy Prophet (PBUH), said to me: “I was listening to your Quran recitation at night. I said, O’ Messenger of Allah, if I had known that the Holy Prophet was listening, I would have recited it with excellence”. (Sahih Ibn Hibban: 3513)

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) taught his Companions (Sahaba) the meaning and knowledge of the Holy Qur’an as well as taught them how to recite the Holy Qur’an correctly while following the rules of Tajweed. The Holy Prophet blessed four of his companions with the knowledge of recitation, and ordered the common companions to learn the Qur’an from them. These four companions were Abdullah bin Masoud, Salim Mawla Huzaifah, Mu’adh bin Jabal and Ubi Ibn Ka’ab.

The Holy Qur’an is a book of guidance, love, connection and devotion to it is a part of Islamic faith and a sign of being a Muslim. The teaching of the Holy Qur’an, its publication, and the desire to recite it and listen to the Quran remain in the heart of every believer. He considers it as a means of his happiness and salvation in the Hereafter.