Details of T-bill- Hyderabad common capital for 10 years and common Governor

Telangana bill was presented in Assembly and Council yesterday. The President has sent it to State for eliciting opinion. He has given time upto 23rd January 2014. The bill contains 64 pages in which 13 schedules have been included. The first schedule contains the number of Rajya Sabha members in both in States. The second schedule has Lok Sabha and Assembly members. The third schedule contains the constitution of council in both the State.

According to the revised bill, Hyderabad will be the common capital for 10 years. GHMC will be its jurisdiction. Central Govt. will constitute a committee of expert which will identity the new capital for Seema Andhra in 45 days. The Governor will be responsible for maintaining Law and Order and protection of life and property in the capital. Two advisors will assist the Governor. Telangana will have 17 and Seema Andhra will have 25 Lok Sabha seats in the same manner, Telangana Assembly will consists of 119 MLAs and Seema Andhra Assembly will have 175 MLAs. Governor can nominate 1 person each belonging to Anglo-Indian Community to each of the States. Telangana Council will consist of 40 members and Seema Andhra council will have 50 members. High Court will be common. Govt. treasury and bank balances will be distributed according to the population. In the common capital for 10 years students belonging to the common State will get equal share. This facility will also be available in private, Aided and unaided Professional institutions including medical colleges. On 8th April 2014, 5 Rajya Sabha members will finish their term, these members are Mr. Subbirami Reddy, Mr. N. Ellaiah, Mr. Mohammed Ali Khan, Ms. K. Ratna Bai and Dr. K.V.P. Ramachandra Rao. To fill these seats, 2 members will be nominated from Telangana and 3 members to be nominated from Seema Andhra area. In June 2016, six Rajya Sabha members will complete their term out of which 2 seats will be allocated to Telangana and 4 seats will go to Seema Andhra. Telangana State will consists of 10 districts. The present parliamentary and Assembly constituencies will remain unchanged.

–Siasat News