Bengaluru: In a tragic incident, a 31-year-old businessman died in a road accident whereas his wife and other persons received serious injurious. This accident took place on Nice Road, Bengaluru.
According to the report published in The News Minute, the deceased is identified as Sagar. The accident occurred when he had gone to test drive a Range Rover Evoque car from a Roopena Agrahara showroom.
As per the details, the car hit the driver. After the accident, Sagar died on the way to hospital whereas his wife and other persons who were in the car received serious injuries.
It is also reported that Mr. Goutham, Sagar’s business partner was driving the car.
Talking about the accident, Deputy Commissioner of Police Bengaluru Traffic West Soumyalatha SK told that it is an incident of overspeeding.
Injured persons are getting treatment in a private hospital. The condition of them is stable.