New Delhi: Dera authorities allegedly had spent at least Rs 5 crore to incite violence after Ram Rahim was convicted in the rape case, according to the Special Investigation Team (SIT). The unrest created was severe and resulted in the death of 38 people.
SIT has been probing the violence in Haryana and parts of Punjab, following Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh’s conviction and said the unrest was funded by his sect, Dera Sacha Sauda, reports India.
SIT is also investigating the involvement of Aditya Insaan, Honeypreet Insaan and Surender Dhiman Insaan in this case. The SIT report stated that Dera’s Panchkula head Chamkaur Singh is the key person who had arranged for the mob.
He was reportedly given the money by Dera management which was also sent to various places in Punjab, the SIT said. As per sources cited by Times of India, the followers were also told that they would get compensation in case of loss of life during the violence.
Also Read: Ram Rahim incited supporters to cause violence, says Haryana police
Chamkaur Singh along with his family has reportedly gone into hiding since a High Court directed the police to register a sedition case against him. According to police, as quoted by reports, it is likely that more details will emerge after his arrest.
Ram Rahim Singh was sentenced to 20 years in prison. The police were criticised for their inefficiency after 38 people died and over 250 were injured in the violence that erupted after the verdict.