New Delhi: IT officials on Wednesday raided Aam Aadmi Party’s MLA (Chhatarpur) Kartar Singh Tanwar’s house. I-T officials reached Singh’s residence at 8:30 am and the raid is still on. Sources said I-T sleuths reached Tanwar’s premises and locked them down.
The I-T raid on Tanwar is only going to increase the hostilities in the already bitter political war between AAP and BJP. Since forming Government in Delhi, about a dozen AAP MLAs have been arrested or are facing charges in various cases. Reacting to this development, AAP leader Dilip Pandey took to Twitter and launched an attack on PM Modi. “Modiji had unleashed CBI, ACB, DP (Delhi Police) earlier, now IT (Income Tax) too. AAP won’t bow down, won’t bend,” tweeted Pandey.