Karimnagar, August 27: People in the district are now panicking not over the pandemic called swine flu but over the outbreak of viral fevers, especially dengue and malaria.
More than 15 positive cases of dengue have been detected across the district.
Hospitals in towns and interior areas are filled with patients suffering from these fevers.
Despite the measures taken by the health department, hundreds of people, mostly from the interior areas, are bedridden.
Outbreak of viral fevers during July and August in the last couple of years has become a regular feature in the district.
Over 15 dengue positive cases are detected at various places and many people with dengue-like fever symptoms are rushing to Hyderabad to get themselves admitted to private hospitals because of lack of medical kits in the district. District hospital superintendent Anatha Rao, however, says there has been no single case of dengue detected or reported so far.
Not only in the tribal areas the impact is felt in towns also. A malaria case has been reported from Jyothinagar.
A government teacher, Sampath Kumar (57), has been confirmed to be suffering from malaria. Dengue cases have also been reported from Mankammathota where C Janardhan Reddy (65) and his daughter Sudha (40) have been suffering from the fever for several days. A Latha (37), A Shravya (17) and Sandeep Kumar (22) have shown dengue- like symptoms and have been rushed to Hyderabad for treatment.
Dr M Radhakrishna, who did Ph.D in Virology from Kakatiya University and worked in the district studying the causes of epidemics in 2004, said a study by the National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune had found that Chandipura virus struck the Yellareddypet and Mahadevpur forest areas following heavy deforestation and major construction activities. The virus, which plagues animals normally, struck humans living an unhygienic conditions.
He suggested establishment of at least one virology field laboratory in the tribal areas.