Hyderabad: Demonetisation (or) Remonetisation a subject of the elites and powerful, but a purple prose for the poor and downtrodden people of Indian society where 1 percent people holds 60 percent of the wealth .
Mr Modi’s policy of curbing black money through demonetisation might be theoretically debatable for its advantages rhetorically through paid media but the hard fact is it has left a dopeler effect leaving 90 percent population in cashtration which will lead to a totally disturbed social order.
The idea of cashless economy in country with 50 percent people(60 crore) don’t have a bank account and govt with inadequate infrastructure to accomplish the process of demonetisation, the idea of change is like a rudderless boat.
Yes change is always a constant, it should be sustain not impulsive. Modi govt’s impulsiveness in demonetisation without taking into consideration the social impact and its repercussions will lead to more problems than a solution for the poor N downtrodden in the coming times.
MBT supports the Opposition’s “BHARATH BANDH” on 28 Nov against Modi govt’s unplanned demonetisation hurting the poor and downtrodden.
Request every Indian irrespective of the ideology’s, profession, trade , caste, religion to support BHARAT BANDH on 28 November and show people’s power to save the NATION from ANARCHY.
Regards: Majidullah khan Farhat
President MBT