Rahul Gandhi, the Congress president has launched a counter-attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi over demonetisation, said that the note ban hurt the poor and benefited the rich wearing “suit-boot”.
He asked, “Modi said the note ban brought money out of pillows of people. He is right. But he did not tell from whom the money was snatched, all the poor people (had to) queue up (to exchange notes). Did any billionaire queue up? Did anyone in the suit-boot queue up?”
He added that “India’s prime minister helped turn the black money of the rich into white. He snatched money of the poor, but ensured benefits for the rich.”
This came after the Prime Minister Narendra Modi at an election rally in Chhattisgarh attacked Rahul Gandhi, he said since he and his mother Sonia Gandhi are out on bail, they should not be questioning anyone’s honesty.
The Congress president stated that if given a power, would write off debts of farmers in Chhattisgarh within 10 days into government.