Violating the orders of State Minority Commission for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Revenue officials conducted demolition activity in Ghouse Nagar. Even though Minority Commission had directed to maintain a status quo, the revenue officials conducted demolition activity. Following demolition activity at Ghouse Nagar on March 16, locals disappointed by the political leadership moved to State Minority Commission on which Commission Chairman Mr. Abid Rasool Khan directed to maintain status quo after hearing the case. He formed a committee comprising of commission members Dr. Qurratul Ain Hasan and Sardar Sarjeet Singh and directed them to look into the matter and submit a complete report to the commission meeting after interacting with the public.
The delegation of State Minority Commission visited Bandlaguda, Ghouse Nagar on April 11 and collected details of the incident. The locals told the commission members that revenue officials have razed poor people’s colony in connivance with land grabbers and politicians. Victims told that they are forced to keep their youth away from the protest as they are threatened to be implicated in false cases, hence only women and elderly people are engaged in protest.
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