Demand to postpone Telangana inter practical exams rises

Hyderabad: Several students are demanding the postponement of Telangana inter practical exams alleging that no practical classes were conducted in their colleges. The exams are scheduled to be conducted in February.

Some of them are of the opinion that the practical exams should be conducted after inter theory examinations that are scheduled to be held in March.

No practical class conducted in inter first year

In some junior colleges, practical classes are not conducted in inter first. In the second year too, the classes are held just before the examination thereby leaving students confused.

In several colleges, practical classes are conducted at the end of the academic year when students have to focus on the theory examination.

Some colleges don’t even have proper equipment needed to conduct lab.

Students fear drop in overall percentage

The practical marks play a significant role in the overall percentage in inter. Because of it, students are worried that their percentage may dip due to poor performance in the practical exams.

MPC students have to appear for practical exams in Physics and Chemistry whereas, BiPC students have to appear for four subjects viz., Botany, Zoology, Physics, and Chemistry.

English likely to be added to Telangana inter practical exams

Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) is gearing up to introduce English practical lab in intermediate courses.

From next academic year, the English practical exam is likely to be conducted for 20 marks by reducing the weightage of the English theory exam to 80.

The board has taken this decision to improve the spoken and comprehension skills of the inter students.

TSBIE likely to introduce jumbling system for Telangana inter practical exams

Meanwhile, the board is considering the option of introducing a jumbling system for Telangana inter practical exams in the current year.

If implemented, the students will have to appear for practical exams in different junior colleges. Currently, the students appear for the exams in their respective colleges.