Demand to break diplomatic ties with Israel and support the cause of Palestine

The fight for Palestine is not only the problems of Muslims alone. It involves the Jews and the Christians also who are living in Palestine. It is Xionism which is illegally occupying Palestine and usurped the rights of the Palestinians. The political situation of the world has changed so enormously that it is not possible for Israel to keep Palestine under its possession any longer. These thoughts were expressed by eminent journalist Mr. Ajeet Sahi who was addressing a gathering at Medina Education Centre, Nampally organized by students’ Islamic Movement of India to express solidarity with the peace march of the caravans who are reaching Jerusalem next week.

The organization is arranging one mile long March at 7 pm on 25th March at Indira Park. Mr Ajit Sahi said that the population of Israel is 60 lakh. Six months back 5 lakh Israelites came out on the roads demanding jobs, food and clothing. He said that India has finalized arms purchase deal from France. It is going to buy fighter jets worth 10 billon dollars which France had failed to sell to any country during the past 10 years.

He also pointed out that India has bought weapons worth 10 billion dollars from Israel during the past ten years. Isreal is a country with a small population but it is the fifth largest arsenal selling country in the world. He claimed that the attack on Israeli embassy in Delhi was made either by Israel itself or by the Indian agencies. They are blaming Iran which is not true. Mr. Ajit Sahi said that Xionism is breathing its last. If the universal situation is reviewed, it will be revealed that America and Europe are involved in financial crisis to such an extent that they are helpless to implement the Xionist plans. They are incurring losses by supporting Xionism. He also said that we have to support people who are facing the same situation as Palestinians.

Young Social activist Mr. Muthu Krishnan who is leading a movement against the installation of nuclear energy plant in Kodakulam in Tamil Naidu said that the mainstream journalism has sold itself to capitalists but internet is free yet. It is presenting the facts. He pointed out that due to Nuclear Fuel complex in Hyderabad, the underground water has been polluted. This nuclear fuel complex supplies nuclear fuel to all nuclear plants from that only.

Mr. Azheruddin (Jamaat-e-Islami) said that Palestinians have been suffering for the past so many years but things are changing now. Youths and Young ladies have now been prepared to fight Israelities. Dr. Aatif Ismael, President, SIO of A.P. told that now the Palestinians can’t be islolated. The time has come for us to become part of world force. Following the policies of Gandhi and Nehru, we have to exert pressure on Govt. of India to withdraw the support of Israel and break all ties.

——Siasat News