Delhi’s plan to modernize Madrasas

New Delhi, June 13: The National Capital Territory of Delhi is all set to modernise Madarsas to promote education among the Muslims. The Directorate of Education (welfare branch) under the local Government today invited proposals from the Islamic seminaries for their modernisation.

The scheme known as ‘programme for the modernisation of Madarsas’ is full financial backing of the union Human Resources Development ministry. According to the sources in the HRD ministry the scheme is a pilot project in Delhi and after response from here it would be implemented across the country.

The Directorate has asked Madarsas to appoint teachers for science, mathematic and other modern subjects and the former would provide salaries to them. For primary section the directorate has decided to give a salary of Rs. 3000/ per month to a teacher while this amount would be Rs. 4000/- for secondary class teachers. It has also decided to provide funds to these seminaries for science kits and maintenance of libraries.

The HRD ministry would also provide grants for strengthening educational infrastructure and physical facilities in madarsas. There is also a proposal to treat Madarsa education on par with CBSE.
