New Delhi: The air quality over Delhi, which is currently bracketed under ‘Very Poor’ category, is expected to deteriorate further, the Ministry of Earth Sciences forecasted on Tuesday, while according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said that the city’s temperature will see a gradual rise in coming 4-5 days.
The deterioration in the air quality is expected due to low pace of surface wind blowing in the capital, officials said. However, the deterioration would be marginal and the air quality is likely to remain in the higher end of the Very Poor category on Wednesday and Thursday.
The System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting and Research (SAFAR), under the Earth Sciences Ministry, stated that the surface winds are low and its speed is forecasted to decrease further, which will make a minimum impact in dispersion of pollutants scattered in the atmosphere.
According to the IMD, the surface wind in Delhi is coming from variable direction with speed of 8-12 kmph during the day, but will become calm in the night. It’s speed is forecasted to decrease to 6-8 kmph by Thursday.
The officials said that slower wind speed during the day and calm wind conditions during night are unfavourable for effective dispersion of pollutants.
Besides, the weather department predicted a gradual rise by two to four degree celsius in minimum temperature over Northwest India including Delhi during next 4-5 days. The department also said that due to the rise in minimum temperature, cold wave conditions will not preside over these regions.