New Delhi: In the violence that shook the North East Delhi since Sunday, the body of an Intelligence Bureau officer was recovered from a drain Northeast Delhi’s Chand Bagh Wednesday morning. At least 21 people have died in the last three days, more than 180 have been injured amid violence since Sunday.
An under-training Intelligence Bureau officer, Ankit Sharma, who worked as a Security Assistant with the IB, was returning home on Tuesday evening when he was allegedly attacked by a mob at the Chand Bagh bridge and beaten to death, according to officials.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal reacting to the news of the death of the IB staffer, called it a ‘tragic loss’.
According to the news agency, PTI, the Intelligence Bureau staffer was a resident of Chand Bagh and his body was taken to the Guru Tegh Bahadur Hospital for an autopsy. The officer had joined the Intelligence Bureau in 2017 and was training as a driver.
Clashes broke out after BJP leader Kapil Mishra led a pro-citizenship law rally on Sunday and gave an ultimatum to the police, warning them “to clear the roads (of protesters in Jaffrabad) or we won’t listen to you”.