New Delhi: Delhi Environment Minister Imran Hussain on Wednesday asked the Central government to call a meeting of Environment Ministers of NCR states and other stakeholder departments to find solution to the issue of air pollution in the capital.
In a letter addressed to Union Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister Harsh Vardhan, he said that there was a need for Environment Ministers and other agencies to come together to resolve the issue of pollution from bio-mass burning, industries, vehicular emissions, construction and demolition activities, selection of landfill sites for municipal solid waste management etc.
Citing the World Health Organisation global air pollution data that highlights that 14 out of 15 most polluted cities are in India, Hussain stressed that the current situation “is a serious cause of worry for all of us”.
He said that due to “multitude of agencies” like the Delhi Development Authority, the Municipal Corporations of Delhi and different departments of the Delhi government — all separately involved in pollution control efforts — problems “remain unresolved and are rather aggravating” the situation of the city’s air.