Delhi pollution: ‘Anti-smog gun’ trials begin in Anand Vihar

New Delhi [India]: Commuters at Delhi’s Anand Vihar Bus Terminal were greeted with an unusual sight when a huge anti-smog gun was installed in the vicinity of Anand Vihar metro station.

Speaking to ANI, Delhi Environment Minister Imran Hussain said: “Anand Vihar is one of the most polluted areas in Delhi. We had decided in the meeting that we shall deploy the machine in the area, to check whether pollution levels come down or not. If pollution levels do come down, then we will take a call on it later”.

“When water is sprinkled from above, it helps the pollutants (P.M 2.5 and P.M 10) to settle down and clears out the air,” added Hussain.

On being asked about the cost and the success of the trial run, Hussain replied: “Our priority is to fight air pollution. The cost can be decided later on. If the trial run is successful, then the government (Delhi) will do a survey and will install such machines (anti-smog guns) soon”.

Asked whether anti-smog guns are used elsewhere, the environment minister replied that they are mostly used in China, to curb dust and air pollution. (ANI)