New Delhi: Sunita Maan, Delhi Police sub-inspector, who has been invited to the Rashtrapati Bhawan on Saturday evening in honour of her efforts and service during the coronavirus induced lockdown, said that she feels lucky to be chosen out of one lakh Delhi police personnel.
Maan will attend the ‘At-Home’ function at Rashtrapati Bhawan today.
Speaking to ANI, she said, “In the lockdown, nobody knew how to stay protected from the virus. We distributed essentials and sensitised people to remain safe. I feel lucky to be chosen from one lakh Delhi police personnel. I can’t describe the exact feeling.”
Maan was sent to help labourers amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic with basic essentials.
“We were sent to an area where many labourers stay. It was difficult to make them aware of the pandemic as most of the people were not educated. We distributed masks, sanitizers, soaps, food and advised them how to maintain social distance,” she added.
Besides COVID-19 essentials, she also helped women with sanitary pads.
“I distributed sanitary pads, which I think nobody thought of. An NGO had provided us with 25,000 pads, which I also distributed in my area. Many women were not aware of it too. So they were told about sanitary pads as well as safety precautions against the COVID-19,” she added.