Bareilly: The Delhi Police arrested a kingpin of inter-state narcotic drug cartel carrying a reward of Rs 1 lakh on his head from Dhantia Road, Bareilly Bypass.
29-year-old Refauqat was arrested on December 6 while he was allegedly in search of a new hideout.
The Delhi Police said five days police custody of Refauqat has been obtained for further sustained interrogation to examine the involvement of any other members in this drug cartel.
It also informed that the modus-operandi of the accused lies in alluring drivers or helpers to assist him in smuggling of “Heroin” against payment of hefty amounts of money to them.
“Such driver or helper is to be handed over the key of the lock that is put on the extra cavity created near the fuel tank of the vehicle, after keeping a bag containing huge money for delivery to his counterpart at Malda, West Bengal,” read a press release issued by the Delhi Police.
“The carrier deployed by Refaquat has to hand over the locked bag with the key of the same to his source at Malda and within a few minutes, the source at Malda would pack the bag with drugs consignment after taking out the money, lock the same and handover the key bag to the carrier for delivering back the same to him,” it added.
Delhi Police informed that sources were deployed in UP West, Uttrakhand and Malda, West Bengal for nabbing him, but Refauqat frequently changed his hideouts to evade arrest.
In October, the police had arrested two members of his gang and recovered 20 kilograms of high-grade heroin worth more than Rs. 80 crores in the international market from their possession.
Further investigation is underway.