New Delhi: Police have arrested two persons including a man who allegedly orchestrated the kidnapping of his 10-year-old son and demanded Rs 7 lakh ransom from his wife to repay relatives from whom he had borrowed money.
The accused, Mohammed Ayub, allegedly hatched the plan with his nephew, Tajim, and also tried to implicate a man, with whom he had a dispute over illicit relationship with another woman, police said on Thursday.
On April 12, Ayub sent his son to his relative’s house in UP’s Bijnor district and called up the police. Five days later, he made his nephew, Tajim, make the ransom call and they also frequently made calls to one Mehdi Hasan’s number. He later turned out to be the man Ayub wanted to implicate.
With technical surveillance, police tracked the SIM dealer who issued the number through which the ransom call was made and interrogated him, during which Ayub’s role came to light. Meanwhile, Ayub had instructed his accomplice to keep changing the child’s location.
On sustained interrogation, Ayub broke down and confessed to have committed the crime. He told police that he had huge debts to repay, mostly to his own relatives who were pressurizing him.
The child was rescued from Umri Kalan town in UP’s Moradabad district and Tajim too was arrested, police said.