New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Wednesday sought a response from Delhi Chief Secretary Vijay Kumar Dev and the Directorate of Education (DoE) in a contempt petition for not obeying its order to start the recruitment process for filling up vacant posts of Special Educators in DoE in the national capital.
A single judge bench presided by Justice V. Kameswar Rao issued notice to the respondents over the contempt petition filed by Syed Mehedi through advocate Ashok Aggarwal and slated the matter for hearing on March 16 next year.
The court directed the respondents to file their response within two weeks.
The petitioner through his plea sought initiation of contempt proceedings for non compliance of the High Court order passed by a division bench comprising Justices Vipin Sanghi and Rekha Pali.
Aggarwal argued that even after the order, the Delhi government had failed to initiate a recruitment process for filling up around 1,000 vacancies.
On July 2, a division bench of the High Court ordered the Delhi government to grant age relaxation to the petitioner for appointment of special Educator Teacher. The court directed the government to comply with its order in four weeks.