New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Friday issued notice to Payal Abdullah, the estranged wife of former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, on his petition challenging a trial court order dismissing his divorce petition.
A division bench of Justice Pradeep Nandrajog and Justice Pratibha Rani sought response from Payal by November 17 after Omar challenged the August 30 order of the trial court.
The trail court said that Omar had failed to prove irretrievable breakdown of the marriage and also could not prove his claims of “cruelty or desertion”, which were the grounds claimed by him for the grant of decree of divorce.
Omar had claimed before the trial court that his marriage — solemnised on September 1, 1994 — had broken down irretrievably and the couple has not maintained conjugal relations since 2007 and was living separately since 2009.
The couple has two sons, staying with Payal.