New Delhi: The Delhi High Court will hear on Monday a plea seeking the removal of Delhi Assembly Speaker Ram Niwas Goel from the adjudication of anti-defection proceedings initiated by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) against MLA Anil Bajpai.
The petition also seeks direction to the Speaker to constitute an appropriate committee to adjudicate the anti-defection proceedings initiated against the MLA.
Rebel AAP MLA Bajpai has also accused the Speaker of being a politically active person who recently joined a protest called by the AAP at the Rajghat.
“He also wore a black band in the Delhi Assembly in protest against the LG’s contention that the Speaker cannot accept questions on reserve subjects,” said Bajpai.
Advocate Neeraj, counsel for Bajpai, has mentioned the matter for an urgent hearing today which has been accepted by the bench of Chief justice DN Patel and Justice C Harishankar.
On June 20, the AAP had moved an anti-defection petition against two MLAs — Anil Bajpai and Devender Sehrawat — for joining the BJP before the Lok Sabha elections.