New Delhi, March 16 : The Delhi government on Tuesday directed the Food Safety Department to reduce the time taken to issue licences to food business operators from 60 days to 30 days, sources said.
Government sources told IANS that the state government has also directed the department to issue registration certificates within four days as against the present seven days. Food business operators are required to register or obtain a licence under the Food Safety and Standards Act.
During the review of the process, it was felt that the permissible time limit needs to be rationalised in view of public interest, the sources said.
“The officials in the Food Safety Department are directed to issue registration and licence within a period of four days and 30 days, respectively, after observing all prescribed formalities,” a source said.
The officials concerned have also been directed to maintain records of inspections, samples and their analysis report in online mode.
Disclaimer: This story is auto-generated from IANS service.