New Delhi: Delhi Medical Association (DMA) President V K Malhotra on Saturday termed the cancellation of Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Garden license after a twin found to be alive was declared dead, as a ‘harsh decision’ and alleged that both the government and the hospital took action to save themselves.
Malhotra requested that the government should follow the legal protocols laid down by it before taking such decisions.
“Only cause of concern is such a harsh decision was taken to cancel license of a big establishment and doctors were debarred from practicing. The Government cancelled the license to save itself and hospital administration suspended doctors to save themselves,” Malhotra told ANI.
He said such an extreme decision should be taken only after following the protocol.
“Why was the extreme step taken in such a haste? Any action, if and when taken, must be taken only when the protocol is followed,” he added.
Further stressing on the issue, Malhotra said the decision which has been taken now to refer the case to Delhi Medical Council should have been done at the very first place.
“You can’t give extreme punishment to medical personnel only after three-day of committing alleged medical negligence,” he said.
Meanwhile, DMA Secretary Satish Tyagi said the association believes that the doctors, who are being blamed for the incident, are innocent in all manners and added that they will go to any extent to save them.
“Our doctors are suffering due to this decision of the Delhi Government. We believe that the doctors who are being blamed for the incident are innocent in all manners. Nobody has any right to take action against them till the time DMC issues their reports on the same,” he said.
“We can go to any extent to save our doctors if they are innocent,” he added.
Tyagi said as per Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, a fetus can be aborted in 24 weeks under special condition and if the concerned fetus was just 22 weeks old, then it is clear that they wouldn’t have survived after being detached from their mother.
Earlier on Friday, announcing the decision, Delhi Health Minister Satyendra Jain told media, “We cannot tolerate criminal negligence of any sort. This is unacceptable. Delhi government cancels the licence of Max Hospital Shalimar Bagh with immediate effect. The hospital will not function henceforth.”
“The Max Hospital has been issued notices in the past with cases in connection to EWS, additional beds, etc, where they were found at fault,” Jain also said.
The Hospital had declared the baby dead along with his still-born twin, however, he was found alive when he was being taken for cremation.
The father of the children had accused the hospital of deliberately declaring the baby dead and trying to get rid of him after he told the authorities that he will not be able to afford Rs 1 lakh per day for their treatment.
India Medical Association (IMA) President KK Aggarwal on Thursday blamed the concerned doctors of committing gross mistake.
On Monday, the hospital had terminated the services of two of its doctors that were involved in declaring the baby dead.
Last week, Jain had warned the hospital of cancelling its licence, if found guilty. (ANI)