New Delhi: Poet and AAP leader Dr Kumar Vishvas who is famous for his controversial remarks and deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia shared dais in a programme. They were attending Jashn-e-Bahar Mushaira jointly organised by Jashn-e-Bahar trust and Delhi Urdu Academy on completion of 20 years of Jashn-e-Bahar mushaira.
Young poet Izhar Iqbal, Vipul Kumar, Husain Hydery, Abhishek Shukla, Gaurav Tripathi, Sabika Abbas Naqvi, Qais Jaunpuri, Nandita Rastogi and R Singh presented their poetry and enthralled the audience.
During the programme, Manish Sisodia told that the government has decided to set up various regional language academies to promote the culture and tradition of the respective regions among Delhiites.
It must be noted that the Delhi government had announced to set up academies in 12 languages including Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayali, Kannada, Odia, Assamese, Garwahali, Kumaoni, Jaunsari, Kashmiri and Marwadi.