New Delhi: Ahead of the ink attack by a woman on chief minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday. The Delhi government is recruiting 10 well-built, young men as a special security force who can guard Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, from such attacks.
The Aam Aadmi Party alleged that the ink attack was part of a “big rehearsal” to possibly “physically harm” on the chief minister.
The party officials said on Tuesday that.“We don’t trust Delhi Police. They are good for nothing. We have Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) volunteers who protect CM as he doesn’t want Delhi Police around him.” they added.
“We are making these volunteers part of civil defence so that they get the basic training… Civil defence guards will not be armed but can prevent ink attacks and stop people from reaching near the CM.”
When asked the Delhi police said they provide Z-plus security with more than 50 personnel, including trained armed commandos, protecting thee CM.
But the CM refused to take the protection. He said, “he doesn’t require protection by Delhi police, which does not report to him”.
The wardens of the civil defence wing asked to train10 well-built, young volunteers to guard the chief minister. These guards are paid Rs600 per day and are trained in medical aid, disaster management and to prevent attacks.
The party functionary said. “This government is giving more importance to civil defence and will use them for women security too. Already there are10 volunteers placed in CM office and soon more will be placed considering the growing threat.”
“Civil defence guards will not be armed but can prevent ink attacks and stop people from reaching near the CM.”