New Delhi: Delhi Environment Minister and AAP leader Imran Hussain on Friday slapped a defamation notice on BJP legislators Vijender Gupta, Manjinder Singh Sirsa and rebel AAP MLA Kapil Mishra for allegedly leveling corruption allegations against him over felling of trees matter.
“The noticees made libellous allegations. For instance, you had protested and published inter-alia that my client has indulged in corruption and he had given permission to cut the trees in Delhi after taking an amount of Rs 23 crore,” read the legal notice.
The notice further said that “slanderous allegations” charged by the BJP leaders and rebel AAP MLA damaged the reputation of the AAP and Hussain.
The Environment Minister also sought an unconditional written apology from the BJP legislators and the rebel AAP MLA or face civil and criminal proceedings to be initiated by Hussain.
The issue of felling of trees for the redevelopment of office and residential complex for central government officials in seven colonies in Delhi has triggered a political slugfest with AAP and BJP engaging in a blame game on daily basis. (ANI)