New Delhi: An assistant sub-inspector Raj Singh, 52, helped to arrest his son for killing a 23-year-old playschool teacher. Singh who was posted in the west district was on a seven-day medical leave but as soon as he came to know about his son’s involvement he offered his help to the investigating officer.
Singh’s son Amit, 25 with his cousin Basant went to the woman when she was alone at home in outer Delhi’s Najafgarh. He stabbed her at least nine times in her stomach after she rejected his proposal again on Wednesday and slapped him.
Police said Singh first inquired among his relatives and warned them not to give shelter to Amit. He also searched Amit in some of his relatives’ house in Roshanpura to check if Amit was hiding there.
A senior officer said Singh said that his duty came first and he was a cop who would treat his son like any other suspect.
Dependra Pathak the joint commissioner of police (southwest) confirmed that Singh had helped the police. “The ASI helped the investigating team in locating his son. We respect his commitment towards his duty. He has certainly set an example for others,” said Pathak.