New Delhi: Delhi Police has arrested seven men who admitted that they stole mobile phones and bikes because they wanted to “impress their girlfriends.”
Police recovered 28 snatched mobile phones, six stolen luxurious motorcycles, two scooters, from their possession.
According to the police, they laid a trap near Peeragarhi Metro Station and arrested three accused who arrived at the spot on a motorcycle. The Deputy Commissioner of Police said the motorcycle was found to be stolen from Punjabi Bagh area.
Eleven stolen mobile phones and Rs 7,000 was recovered from a second trap which was laid near Sultanpuri bus terminal and four of the seven men were caught along with a stolen motorcycle and a scooter.
The DCP asserted that during interrogation they admitted that they increased their criminal activities so that they can impress their girlfriends and plan the celebration of New Year out of Delhi.