New Delhi: The Delhi government on Thursday ordered a magisterial inquiry into the deaths of three sisters who were found dead in east Delhi’s Mandawali area. The initial post-mortem examination report has indicated that the girls, aged two, four and eight died of starvation.
Reportedly, the police were initially treating it as the case of natural deaths, but the recovery of pills and medicine bottles prompted them to look into the poisoning angle.
The girls were brought to the hospital by a member of the family but were declared dead on arrival.
Pankaj Singh deputy commissioner of police (east) said, “A board of doctors conducted a re-examination at the GTB hospital. According to the initial autopsy report, the girls died due to starvation and its complications.”
“The Delhi government has ordered a magisterial probe into the matter,” Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia announced in a tweet.
I shall go to the house in Mandavali tomorrow morning where this incident took place.
— Manish Sisodia (@msisodia) July 25, 2018
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