Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat on Saturday issued an alert and asked the district officials to keep tab of the region, which witnessed heavy rainfall. The directions came a day after three people lost their lives when their house collapsed due to torrential rains.
“We received information that in Dhansali, at least three people died and I am also keeping a tab on other parts of the state. I have issued an alert for all places.I will talk to the district officials via video conferencing in the evening to discuss about the situation,” Rawat told the media here.
Dehradun, Dhansali, Teri and Chamoli regions have received more than 100 mm rainfall since yesterday creating blockades and damaging roads.
Santosh Badoni, the Deputy Director of State Disaster Management, told ANI that heavy machineries have been deployed to clear blockades and six teams of the National Disaster Response Force and 11teams of State Disaster Response Force have been deployed as a pre-emptive measure.
Meanwhile, the MeT department has warned of “heavy rainfall’ in isolated place for the next 24 hours.