Mumbai: Actor Deepika Padukone is all set to launch her lifestyle brand that is rooted in India. According to a statement, the first category of launch will focus on beauty and skincare.
This category specifically, while rooted in India, will be backed by science.
“India, I believe, has always been positioned uniquely. While we have tremendous access to the rest of the world, we are a country that is rich in values, culture and heritage; something we are extremely proud of. Therefore, our endeavour is to build a brand that is rooted in India yet global in its reach and appeal,” she said.
The name of the brand has not been revealed yet. It is expected to roll out in 2022.
Meanwhile, on the film front, Deepika will be seen in Shakun Batra’s project, co-starring Ananya Panday and Siddhamt Chaturvedi. She has also signed her second Hollywood film recently.