Siddipet: In a horrific incident occurred at Srinagar colony, Siddipet a journalist consumed poison after strangulating his wife and 2 children. According to sources Hanumanth Rao, a journalist of Andhra Bhoomi ended his life after strangulating his two daughters and wife in Siddipet on Thursday.
Hanumanth Rao also had a side business. A few months ago two of his business partners reportedly cheated on him due to which he got a burden of heavy debts. He was depressed since then. Due to the increasing pressure from the lenders, Hanumanth Rao resorted to the extreme step. In a suicide note, he revealed that his employees Prabhakar and Mamatha had duped him of Rs. 7.80 lakh which pushed him into financial debts. He also mentioned that one Kanakaiah from Siddipet was pressuring him for returning the money and had threatened him of kidnapping his children.