Gujarat: Tension gripped Jambusar town in Bharuch district after a dead cow calf was found in a hotel premises on Saturday. Owner of a hotel was arrested in the charges of slaughtering a cow calf.
The police booked a case against the owner of the hotel, Sikandar Rasool Malik under sections 6(B) and 8(4) of Gujarat Animal Prevention (Amendment) Act, 2011, sections 5-6-8-10-11-(L), 11(3) of the Cruelty to Animals Act, and sections 295(B) and 114 of the IPC and arrested him.
Police said that when they got information that a cow has been slaughtered Savera hotel, they reached the spot and recovered a dead calf.
Meanwhile security arrangements tightened and huge police deployed in the town. Police said that the security is tightened and police is deployed at every checkpoint across the town to avoid any clash among two communities.