New Delhi: Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) on Thursday sent a notice to the Delhi Police seeking details of the actions taken by the force in the alleged sexual assault case of three minor boys by a group of accused in Savda JJ Colony area here.
The commission was informed that three boys aged 15, 10 and 9 years were playing in their colony when a few boys from the neighborhood approached them and took them to an isolated place on the pretext of catching and sexually assaulted them, the DCW said in the notice.
The commission has sought a response from the police before July 22.
The DCW also sought the details of the “accused, arrests any, whether the matter has been reported to the special court and Child Welfare Committee as per Section 19 (6) of Protection of children against sexual (POCSO) Act 2012”.
“The sexual assault was so brutal that one of the boys unconscious and had to be revived with great difficulty. However, the complainants met me and have informed that the accused persons are roaming free and continue to threaten the survivors and their family. This is a very serious matter,” the notice read.
An FIR is registered in this regard at Kanjhawala Police Station.