New Delhi: Delhi Police has asked DCW to depute its research staff for interaction with its team of police officers for compilation of data on crime against women in the city.
Following the police’s move, the Commission has stopped enforcement proceedings it had initiated against the force for denying it the data. In its letter dated February 10, the Delhi Police has assured its cooperation and commitment to work with the Commission for the safety and protection of women.
“In this regard, you may kindly depute researcher staff as discussed to interact with a team of officials of Delhi Police to compile mutually agreed upon relevant data for research purpose to come with recommendations for betterment of the society at large and women fold in particular,” the letter by Shibesh Singh, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Legal Cell) said.
According to a senior DCW official, a committee comprising senior Delhi Police officials and DCW members is being set up following a meeting between the DCP and DCW on February 8. This would facilitate sharing of data by the Delhi Police with the DCW.
Now, police stations are being identified where this exercise will be carried out on a pilot basis, said a senior DCW official. “In view of the above developments, the Commission has stopped enforcement proceedings (of issuing arrest warrants and attachment of property) that it had initiated against the Delhi Police as per its powers under Section 10(3) of the Delhi Commission for Women Act, 1994,” the official said.
DCW chief Swati Maliwal had on February 8 said that the Commission will proceed as per the powers of a civil court vested in it after Delhi police refused to submit information on crime against women despite the Commission sending nearly half a dozen letters and notices to it.
According to Maliwal, the Commission is conducting a detailed study on women’s safety in the national capital for which it needs information to make recommendations to the government.