New Delhi: A special court in Delhi has adjourned the hearing on the National Herald case after a joint request for the same by both the parties in the matter. The case was on Friday scheduled for cross-examination of complainant BJP MP Subramanian Swamy at the stage of pre-charge evidence.
A joint application stated that due to the pandemic, prevailing parties are not in a position to appear before the court physically, and therefore sought an adjournment.
Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Vishal Pahuja asked both the parties to explore the solution for proceeding with the matter further as the coronavirus is going to stay longer and this court being the fast track court has to expedite the trial/proceedings.
Either the parties can appear before the physical court and to avoid any crowding, only this matter will be listed for the entire day or the evidence can be recorded through video conference.
Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi’s lawyer RS Cheema had earlier partly cross-examined Swamy.
The National Herald case, which was filed by Swamy, is being heard by a special court in Delhi’s Rouse Avenue against Sonia, Rahul and other associated persons.
According to Swamy’s complaint, Associated Journals Limited (AJL) had taken an interest-free loan of Rs 90.25 crores from the Indian National Congress. It is alleged that the loan was not repaid. Swamy had filed the case in 2012 accusing the two Gandhis and others of conspiring to cheat and misappropriate funds.
He had stated that the Congress party granted an interest-free loan of Rs 90.25 crores to Associated Journals Limited (AJL), owner of the National Herald newspaper.