Mumbai: Daughter of Aamir Khan, Ira Khan shared first part of the video series in which she is going to discuss on ” What to say to someone who’s depressed?”.
Ira Khan who recently disclosed that she is depressed said that as different people show their depression differently, a one-size-fits-all approach cannot be the solution for the depression.
People suggested me to stay busy
Talking about her personal experience, she said that many people suggested her to ‘stay positive’, ‘stay busy’ etc, however, doctors busted the myths and said that staying busy is not the solution.
Daughter of Aamir Khan said that when she consulted her parents, her aunt, and ‘Kiran aunty’, they advised her to ‘stop being busy, stop jumping from one thing to the next… Just be… Just slow down’.
Iran Khan clinically depressed
Earlier, on the occasion of World Mental Health Day, Ira Khan revealed that she is clinically depressed. In the video she shared on Instgram, she can be seen saying, ” Hi, I’m depressed. I have been for more than four years now. I’ve been to a doctor and I’m clinically depressed. I’m doing much better now. For over a year now, I wanted to do something for mental health, but I wasn’t sure what to do. So, I have decided to take you on a journey, my journey, and see what happens. Hopefully, we will get to know ourselves slightly better, understand mental illness better”.
She had also written, “A lot has been going on, a lot of people have a lot to say. Things are really confusing and stressful and simple and okay but not okay and… life all together. There’s no way to say it all in one go. But I’d like to think I’ve figured some stuff out, or at least figured out how to make it slightly more understandable. About mental health and mental ill-health. So come with me on this journey… in my awkward, quirky, sometimes-baby-voice-y, as-honest-as-I-can-be… way. Let’s start a conversation.
Happy World Mental Health Day”.
It may be mentioned that Ira Khan is the daughter of Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta.