Hyderabad: BJP Leader Bandaru Dattatreya on Thursday alleged that CM KCR has insulted BR Ambedkar by allowing the desecration of his statue. He also said that the CM had also insulted MRPS Leader Manda Krishna Madiga, who had announced to hold a massive Dharna at Indira park, by keeping him under house arrest.
He made these remarks while addressing a protest program held by the party activists in front of Ambedkar statue at tank bund. Senior BJP Leader G. Kishan Reddy also took part in the protest program.
The program was held by the party condemning the insult meted out to the statue of Ambedkar. BJP Leader G Kishan Reddy said that they were condemning the house arrest of Manda Krishna Madiga. He alleged that the CM KCR had removed the statue of Ambedkar in his constituency in the name of expansion of roads but added that he statue was installed even after four years of the announcement. He alleged that the CM was showing complete anger towards the SC community of the state