Hyderabad: Reports regarding donations pouring in at religious places post demonetisation are being received from across the country. Meanwhile one person put two separate cheques in the ‘Hundi’ of Dargah Hazrat Jahangir Peeran worth 95 lakh and 20 lakh respectively. However the cheques were issued before demonetisation. Their validity expired after 3 months of their issue. When contacted on phone number written at the back of the cheques the person clarified that the amount was present in the account when he had donated, but presently he is not in a position to pay the amount.
When the Waqf Board officials obtained Hundi of Dargah Hazrat Jahangir Peeran, they recovered 7 cheques from it, out of them two were issued on August 16, 2016 with amounts Rs. 20 lakh and 95 lakh. One cheque was blank with account holder’s signature and name, while 4 cheques were plain. Cheques with lakhs of rupees were issued by one G Jangaiah. When contacted by Waqf Board, the said person admitted that he had donated the cheques, however he told that presently the amount is not available in the account hence he asked the officials not to deposit the cheques in the bank.
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