According to media reports, a local BJP leader assured a compensation of Rs. 8 lakh to the family of one the accused Ravin Sisodia, who died due to multiple organ failure. He also reportedly assured job to widow of Sisodia and other accused out on bail.
Mohammad Akhlaq was lynched on the suspicion of consuming beef in Dadri, two years ago and one of the accused Ravin Sisodia had died after his arrest. His body was wrapped in a national flag by the residents of Bisada.
Akhlaq and his son Danish attacked by a mob on 28 September 2015 on the suspicion of slaughtering a calf and storing its meat in their fridge. They were dragged out of their home. While Akhlaq died on the spot, his son had sustained critical injuries.
The 19 people accused of killing Akhlaq are all out on bail.