Pune: A session court here on Tuesday sent Sharad Kalaskar, an accused in Narendra Dabholkar murder case, to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) custody till September 10.
The CBI, however, had asked for a 14-day custody of Kalaskar to investigate the murder case. CBI lawyer Vijay Kumar Dhakne in his argument said, “He is one of the shooters who fired two bullets at Dr. Dabholkar. He is involved in various activities. Sharad Kalaskar is an expert in weapon handling. We demand 14 days custody.”
Defense lawyer Dharam Raj countered that CBI’s demand of Kalaskar’s custody was not warranted. “The 14-day custody of Sharad Kalaskar was not at all warranted. In remand application, their arguments were vague that Kalaskar was an expert in firearm training. There was no specific argument,” said the defense lawyer.
Dabholkar, the founder of Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti (MANS), was shot dead on August 20, 2013, by bike-borne assailants, while he was returning home from a morning walk.