Hyderabad: The Cyberabad police on Tuesday set up a dedicated wing to exploit the spread of social media the commissionerate have revamped the existing ‘Social Media Wing’. The wing will also create awareness about offences occurring in the society and it also aims at public participation to prevent offences like cyber crime, economic offence, crime against women and children.
A special trained social media team was deployed in the wing in August 2014 to monitor the social media handles of the Cyberabad Police now the wing has been completely renovated with a separate department with all necessary electronic equipment and access.
“To reach out to maximum people through social media platforms for creating awareness and thus ensure prevention of various crimes. The new social media wing also aims at knowing the pulse of the public thereby improving the performance of the police in order to keep up with the expectations of the society at large,” said Commissioner of Police, Cyberabad, VC Sajjanar after inaugurating the social media wing.
The social media team comprises of five different teams includes Traffic and Road Safety Team, Cyber Crime Team, Economic Offence Team, Women and Child Safety Team, Community Outreach Team, all these teams will focus on their respective area of expertise and they strive towards creating awareness on crime and ensure prevention crimes under Cyberabad Police Commissionerate limits.