Hyderabad: The Cyberabad police here on Tuesday arrested a persistent fraudster who allegedly deceived many people, especially suspended government employees, by pretending to be an official from the Telangana state Secretariat.
Most of his victims were government employees. The Cyberabad police said that earlier, the accused Bangaru Suresh Kumar Chary had also allegedly duped people in the name of providing jobs or in the guise of various government schemes.
The Cyberabad police stated that on 3 September, a complaint was received according to which the fraudster called up the complainant stating that he is an officer from GAD/Vigilance Department of Telangana Secretariat, asking for a list of personnel who have a pending reinstatement in the district along with their phone numbers.
Subsequently, according to the complaint, few people from the list received calls from the accused, asking them to pay money for their reinstatement through an online payment. Based on this complaint, a case was registered in Cyber Crime police station, Cyberabad and an investigation were taken up, according to the police.
After a subsequent investigation, the 48-year-old accused was arrested on Tuesday.
The police stated in the press release that the government employee hunter, only targets public servants who were either trapped by ABC or suspended. The accused allegedly contacts his victims after discovering their numbers from their higher-ups and introduces himself to them as an official from the secretariat.
The government employee hunter enquired about the list of personnel who had a pending reinstatement. After collecting the list, the police said he contacted those employees and asked them to pay money for reinstatement.
The police said that so far the accused has already been arrested nine times in the past.