Hyderabad: The cyber crimes cell of the city police has arrested yet another accused who is allegedly involved in the ‘instant loan’ app case. Chinnabba Rajashekar (27), a resident of Mahadevpura in Bangalore, is the latest to be arrested.
According to the Hyderabad police, Rakashekar is a director for nine companies in Bengaluru, namely: Yunwei Technologies Private Limited, Satime Technologies Private Limited, Reusing Technologies Private Limited, Pregla Fintech Private Limited, One Libra Financial Services Private Limited, Naqiful Technologies Private Limited, Aojing Technologies Private Limited, Heiseqian Technologies Private Limited and Feng Fintech Services Private Limited.
These companies are connected to money lending apps such as Snapit, Ok Cash, Mybank, Cash bee, Rupee factory, and Go Cash. So far, the cyber crime police has arrested 21 persons, including a Chinese national named Zhu Wei, aka Lambo.
During the investigation, sleuths have identified the accounts associated to the fraudsters and freezed about Rs 300 crore. Efforts are being made to arrest the absconding accused persons who played key role in this fraud.