CWC rejects hydrological survey of Godavari at GRMB meet

Hyderabad: The Central Water Commission (CWC) on Wednesday rejected the proposal to conduct a hydrological survey of Godavari water, against the plea raised by the Andhra Pradesh and Telangana governments.

The Godavari River Management Board (GRMB) meeting was held virtually in Hyderabad on Tuesday where the CWC director Nityananda Rai, directed the representatives from the two states to submit their proposals to the Commission for the hydrological survey.

The director further stressed that content from states like Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and Odisha also holds importance before the commission goes ahead with the survey as they too are the stakeholders in the utilisation of Godavari water.

Irrigation officials from both states suggested to the board that the hydrological survey would help in utilizing Godavari water at optimum levels and avoid the misuse of water.

AP officials demanded the survey while Telangana officials said that they have no objections towards it.

However, the director later said that the hydrological survey on Godavari had already been carried out in the past and won’t be taken up again since it involves the participation of several states.

Telangana submitted the detailed project reports (DPRs) on Modikunta Vagu proposed in the Jayashankar-Bhupalpally district and the Gudem lift irrigation scheme proposed in Adilabad. AP officials, who participated in the meeting from Vijayawada, raised objections to these projects.

AP officials claimed that the construction of these projects would deprive water to their state while Telangana rejected the stance and clarified that they are constructing projects to utilise their allocated share in Godavari.

Nityananda further directed the states to approach the CWC chairman for a water study, clarifying that there was surplus water in the Godavari river and that Telangana taking up projects doesn’t cause any problems.

While the GRMB officials put forth a proposal to install a telemetry system, to check water utilisation, at 23 places, however, Telangana officials countered that it was required at five places only.

They added that the telemetry system should be added at installed on Krishna River accusing AP of illegally diverting water to outside the basin.