New Delhi: Stating that the Centre’s move of demonetisation was not in the public interest, Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray on Friday said that instead of scrapping Rs. 500 and 1,000 currency notes, the ruling dispensation should have “done surgical strikes on the black money deposited in all Swiss accounts.”
“This initiative taken by the government is not in public interest, because only normal people are suffering from this hasty decision. Everybody is saying that it is a surgical strike, but what if angry and frustrated people start surgical strike against government,” Thackeray said.
“The government should have done surgical strikes on the black money deposited in all the Swiss accounts,” he added. Earlier, International Monetary Fund (IMF) supported Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s efforts to fight corruption by demonetizing 500 and 1000 rupees notes but cautioned that the move has to be managed prudently.
IMF spokesman Gerry Rice told reporters in Washington that the global body supports Modi government’s measures to fight corruption and illicit financial flows in India. He, however, said that the move has to be managed prudently to minimize possible disruptions keeping in mind the large role of cash in everyday transactions in Indian economy.
Meanwhile, with the ATMs opening today nearly 48 hours post Prime Minister Modi’s radical announcement about scrapping of the 500 and 1000 rupees notes, long queues made by anxious citizens were seen across the nation with the new currency notes available for withdrawal. The withdrawal limit is of 2,000 rupees per day per card for all the customers at bank ATMs.